Sunday, 6 November 2011

Clavicle and Scapula Rotations: Final Thoughts!

Torsos are complete!
Overall I am happy with the out come. I have learnt loads whilist I have been working on this and I think I have improved greatly since last weeks sculpts. I understood everything more.

Here are all the poses back and front. I think I have captured the forms well.

Looking at them now I have some areas I would like to adjust but overall I think the sculpt works and shows the movement of the body as the arms are raised.

Hopefully you can see I have added all the changes to the model and tried to bring out the correct forms for each pose as the muscles to change from being relaxed to strained through the move. Good example is teres major that is a big muscle hero muscle on your back which attaches onto the bottom edge of the scapula and tucks under the long head of the triceps (along with the lattsimus dorsi) that creates one side of your armpit. This muscle goes form being quite a prominent muscle when relaxed or arms down but as the arms are raised it stretches a becomes less as the insertion of the muscle is pulling muscle thinner.

Final Tweaks! Yes I do plan to go over everything once more later on. Here I have already started looking at areas that I feel need adjustment and fixing but for now I'm happy with what I have.

In number 4 I think flattening the pectoralis more would be a good improvement. Also the base mesh needs a slight adjustment to the low proportions. I would like to raise it up slighting, meaning moving up where I have his boxers to the red line. As I think they have slightly been put out of position.

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