So! Here is the first Sculpt I have worked on. This was a warm up to try put to test of what I have learnt and try get some ideas of good techniques to set up a simple sculpts.
The images show how I used Zspheres to create the basic shape. Here I had the chance to get the pose ready and try start to think of proportions. Then I can convert it to a sculpt able mesh where I block out the form and then slowly add more details to get something like the front and side images of a female figure in this example.
The actual sculpt I am fairly happy with but theres some mistakes that I would want to rework, such as the proportions of the torso. They seem abit to long in the truck which then puts out a few other things. Also was my first attempt at sculpting a female figure, although my reference she was toned I think I over modelled some of the areas. In future I think I will try do a whole rework on things to get rid of over modelling as I think thats a common mistake in sculpts. Less is more it seems to be the case.

Some learning points from this is to make sure proportions are good as they do muck you up so I will develop that more and try to make sure its one of the things I keep in mind when making changes as sometimes you get lost in the sculpt and forget the basics.
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